About Us
Servicing All Levels of Government and Corporate Sectors
Management Options Pty Ltd is a leading Australian owned, Brisbane based, private 'boutique' procurement consulting company formed in 2004. We work alongside our valued clients to review, source and implement the best possible solutions for achieving their key business objectives. We are able to provide consultancy services to organisations from strategy to advisory and implementation, specialising in procurement, business analysis, contract-management and probity to all tiers of government.

Our Expertise
Management Options has earned a strong reputation in helping clients resolve supply chain issues and obtain operational excellence by taking a fresh perspective on what their business really needs, instead of just focusing on cost. Boasting industry expertise and experience, our core focus and goals offer pragmatic, practical and up-to-date advice, packaged in a fair and transparent service.
Our speciality is working with clients at all levels of government in Australia, government-owned corporations, statutory and regulatory bodies as well as private and publicly listed corporations who are procuring significant goods and services. For example, IT solutions, professional services, infrastructure, and construction across the following industry sectors:
Government services
Social services
Health Care
Power & Water Utilities
Oil & Gas
Our Clients

Our Panel Memberships and Accreditations
Probity Panel: Queensland Government SOA QGP0050-18 T4
Procurement Services Panel: Queensland Government SOA QGP0050-18 T4
ICT Services Pre-Qualified Suppliers Panel: Queensland Government SOA ICTSS.13.03
Transport for NSW Probity Panel
NSW Govt EARL Prequalified: Performance and Management Services
Professional Services Panel – Business Management Services: Sunshine Coast Regional Council
IAMA Accredited Probity Services Provider
CIPS Accredited Procurement Consultants
Business Ready QAssure Membership No. 11137
GITC Accreditation (Qld Govt)